This section is about how to plot and analysis the magnetics data.
Inboard $B_{z}$
def plot_inboard_B_z(shot)# 영역에 따라 분류
Index_inBz = np.where(ods['magnetics.b_field_pol_probe.:.position.r']<0.09)
Index_outBz = np.where(ods['magnetics.b_field_pol_probe.:.position.r']>0.795)
Index_sideBz = np.where(np.abs(ods['magnetics.b_field_pol_probe.:.position.z']) > 0.8)
Index_inFlux = np.where(ods['magnetics.flux_loop.:.position.0.r'] < 0.15)
Index_OutFlux = np.where(ods['magnetics.flux_loop.:.position.0.r'] > 0.5)
# Required to add reconstructed measured flux, field calculated by eddy current solver
# Required to add reconstructed measured
# Inboard B filed pol probe (pickup coil)
n_rows = 9
fig, axs = plt.subplots(n_rows, 3, figsize=(12, 3*n_rows))
for i, ax in zip(Index_inBz[0], axs.flatten()):
radial = ods[f'magnetics.b_field_pol_probe.{i}.position.r']
vertical = ods[f'magnetics.b_field_pol_probe.{i}.position.z']
position = '(' + str(radial) + ',' + str(vertical) + ')'
ax.plot(ods['magnetics.time'], ods[f'magnetics.b_field_pol_probe.{i}'])
ax.set_title(f'Inboard B Field Pol Probe at {position}')
if i % 3 == 0:
ax.set_ylabel("B Field [T]")
if i >= 24:
>>> import vest
>>> shot_39915 = vest.load(39915)
>>> vest.plot_inboard_B_z(shot_39915)
Outboard $B_{z}$
>>> vest.plot_outboard_B_z(shot_39915)
Side $B_{z}$
>>> vest.plot_side_B_z(shot_39915)
Inboard flux loop
>>> vest.plot_inboard_flux_loop(shot_39915)
Outboard flux loop
>>> vest.plot_outboard_flux_loop(shot_39915)
Plasma current
>>> vest.plot_plasma_current(shot_39915)
Diamagnetic Flux
>>> vest.plot_diamagnetic_flux(shot_39915)
Credit : Hongsik-yun (